Need some good PR for your fresh iPhone app? If you’re willing to open your wallet and cross the line of good ethics, some iPhone app review sites will let you pay up for a review. Wired.com takes a look at the seedy underground of iPhone app reviews:
AppCraver.com also seeks payment for expedited reviews. Lore Sjöberg, Wired.com’s Alt Text columnist, said he submitted his iPhone app The Cyborg Name Decoder to AppCraver.com for review, and in response the site offered to expedite a review of his app for $150. The letter included a promise to contact Sjöberg “prior to publishing a review that scores lower than 5/10.”
Just for the record, Art of the iPhone doesn’t accept more than promo codes for app reviews, although we’ve had substantial cash offers from developers. Just a tip: make an awesome app and it will be reviewed by someone.
Link: Wired.com “Pay to Play: Some iPhone App Sites Demand Money for Reviews: