Category: iPhone

Tip: How to Allow Some Contacts to Ring the iPhone When Do Not Disturb Mode Is On

Do Not Disturb Mode for iPhone

The new Do Not Disturb mode is an incredibly useful feature for the iPhone that, when turned on, will silence all calls and notifications. With DND turned on, you won’t be suddenly awoken at night by an app’s notification or a phone call. You may, however, still want to let some important phone calls through. Below are instructions for how to allow a special group of VIP contacts to call you even when Do Not Disturb is turned on.

Quick Instructions:

Go to Settings > Notifications > Do Not Disturb. Swipe Scheduled to On > select a time range > tap Allow Calls From > select Favorites or another group of contacts (for how to create groups, click here).

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Open Settings:

iOS Settings Icon

2. Ignore Do Not Disturb, and tap Notifications instead:

Tap Notifications in iPhone Settings

3. Now tap Do Not Disturb:

Tap Do Not Disturb in Notifications Settings

4. Set a time for DND to automatically turn on and off:

Set time for Do Not Disturb to automatically turn on and off

5. Tap Allow Calls From and select a group of contacts (see note below if you wish to create a new group of contacts):

Tap Allow Calls From in Notification's Do Not Disturb Settings

Note about creating groups of contacts: Bizarrely enough, other than adding/removing contacts to the Favorites group, you can’t create/edit groups of contacts on the iPhone. However, check out our instructions for alternative methods for creating groups of contacts for use on the iPhone.

And that’s it. Please note that this VIP list of contacts will only work when the scheduled version of Do Not Disturb mode is turned on. When you manually turn on DND (see screenshot in step 2), this VIP list will not function.

Bonus Tip: Alarms from the iPhone’s Clock app (for example, wake me up at 6:00am) will still sound even when Do Not Disturb is turned on, or even when the mute switch is turn on, for that matter.

Tip: How to Create a Group of Contacts As Exceptions for the iPhone’s Do Not Disturb Mode

Do Not Disturb Mode for iPhone

When turned on, the useful new Do Not Disturb mode blocks all calls and notifications from ringing your iPhone, allowing you to sleep or work in peace. But you can also assign a special group of contacts as exceptions while Do Not Disturb is turned on. When anyone in this group of special contacts calls, your iPhone will still ring, even though Do Not Disturb is turned on.

There’s only one problem though: Apple still hasn’t supplied a way to create groups of contacts on the iPhone (it’s a headshaker, I know). The lone exception is the Favorites group, which you can add/remove contacts from. Fortunately, you can use third-party apps and to create, edit, and delete groups. Check out the instructions below for:

  • How to add contacts to the Favorites group.
  • A suggestion for a good free third-party iPhone app for creating groups.
  • How to create groups on

How to Add Contacts to the Favorites Group:

1. Select a contact in the Contacts or Phone app.

2. Tap the Add to Favorites button:

How to Add to Favorites List on iPhone

And that’s it. To delete contacts from the Favorites list, open the Phone app > tap the Favorites tab > tap Edit > tap the red circle > tap Delete.

A Free App for Creating Groups of Contacts:

Groups app screenshot

Groups (free) is a solid but somewhat barebones free app for creating new groups on contacts on your iPhone. Any group created within the app will show up in the iPhone’s default Contacts and Phone apps. To create a group in the app, tap the All Contacts drop-down list at the top, then tap Add New Group.

How to Create a Group of iPhone Contacts at

1. Go to and and select the Contacts app:

Click the Contacts app on

2. Click the red groups ribbon at the top:

Create Group of Contacts on iCloud

3. Click the plus sign at the bottom right to create a new group:

Click  the Add Groups button on iCloud

4. Type in a name.

5. Click the red groups ribbon:

Click Red Ribbon for Groups in iCloud

6. Click All Contacts:

Select All Contacts in iCloud

7. Drag a contact from the list on the right to the group name on the left:

Drag Contacts to Group on iCloud

And that’s it. Your new group of contacts should be synced to your iPhone via iCloud almost instantly (depending on your connection).

Official iPhone 5 iOS 6 User Guide Manual Now Available for Download

iPhone User Guide for iOS 6 screenshot

If you bought an iPhone 5 and wondered where the heck the instruction manual was, well, here it is. Apple’s iPhone User Guide for iOS 6 is a free download in both PDF and iBook (ePub) formats:

You’d think the size of the manual would keep growing with all the added features, but this version has actually shrunk to 156 pages from the previous 179.

If you’re considering buying one of those third-party help books like iPhone 5 for Dummies, you might start here first. Even a grizzled iPhone veteran like myself always finds something new in these manuals.

Video Shows Aluminum Back of Black iPhone 5 Easily Scratched

Bad news if you want to keep the surface of your iPhone 5 blemish free for years to come. A scratch-test video from online repair site iFixIt shows that the iPhone 5 isn’t exactly scratch resistant.

The video features Ellie, a 2-year-old toddler, going to town on an iPhone 5 with a set of car keys. The slate-colored back of the iPhone 5 doesn’t hold up well, ending up covered in unsightly scratches. When the toddler’s beautiful mother rubs a steel ring against the iPhone 5’s edge, the black surface paint peels off to reveal the silver metal below.

When the toddler and mother perform the same tests on the iPhone 4S, the phone appears without visible damage.

More evidence was supplied by a forum poster over at Overclockers, who posted a photo of his iPhone 5 after a car key and sim card pin were rubbed against its back and edge:

Rear of Black iPhone 5 Scratched

Preview: iPhone 5 Cases from Ballistic

iPhone 5 Ballistic SG Maxx case

Ballistic SG MAXX
The Ballistic SG MAXX has 4 layers of protection….4! Layer 1 is silicone rubber with padded corners. Layer 2 is hard polycarbonate plastic. Layer 3 is shock resistant polymer. And Layer 4 is a molded screen protector. Comes with a belt-clip holster for quick-on-the-draw phone calls. Available in several different colors. Check it out at the Official Ballistic SG MAXX website.
Ballistic Every1 Case for iPhone 5

Ballistic Every1 with Stand
The Ballistic Every1 is another 4-layer case, this time with a built-in kickstand. The Every1 has what Ballistic calls “Air Gap Suspension Springs,” which the company describes as surrounding “your phone with 1mm of air so your phone never lays against a hard surface.” Whatever that means. Comes with a belt-clip holster and available in several colors. Available at the official Ballistic Every1 website.
Ballistic Smooth Case for iPhone 5

Ballistic Smooth
The Smooth is Ballistic’s slimmest case and best looking (in my opinion). The case’s corners are its most interesting feature. Each case comes with 4 different-colored sets of interchangeable corners (4 pieces in each set for 16 total), which add extra protection for the iPhone’s impact points. Available in several color schemes. Available at the official Ballstic Smooth website.
Ballistic Hard Core iPhone 5 Case

Ballistic Hard Core with Stand
The Ballistic Hard Core has a ridiculous 5 layers of protection. 2 layers of shock-absorbing polymer, 1 layer of hard plastic, an optional layer of silicone rubber, and a clear plastic screen protector. A built-in stand lets you prop up the iPhone on a desk. Comes with a rotating belt-clip holster. Click here for the official Ballistic Hard Core website.
Ballistic Shell Gel case for iPhone 5

Ballistic Shell Gel
The Ballistic Shell Gel offers 3-layers of protection. Layer 1 is shock-absorbing polymer, Layer 2 is hard polycarbonate, and Layer 3 soft silicone rubber. The case features extra padding at the iPhone’s 4 impact points (the four corners). More info at the official website for the Ballistic Shell Gel case.

iPhone/iPad Tip: Notes From the Notes App Can Now Be Edited In a Browser on

iCloud apps in web browser

The Notes app on the iPhone & iPad just became a lot more useful thanks to a recept update to Now, notes created on the iPhone can be edited in a web browser on, and vice versa. With iCloud syncing, it’s all pushed wirelessly and automatically—no need to tap a button or connect a cord. And no matter if you’re on Windows or Mac, home or office, if there’s a web browser, you can access and edit your notes and sync back the changes to the iPhone instantly.

I find this feature incredibly useful for doing things like maintaining a to-do list, planning vacations, or simply storing important bits of information that I come across throughout the day.

There is one tricky part, however. In the Notes app, you have to create the notes you want to sync in the special iCloud “folder,” which is kind of hidden. To find this folder, open the Notes app, if you see a button labeled Notes in the top-left corner, tap it, then/else tap Accounts:

Maneuver to iCloud account in Notes app

Then tap iCloud from the list shown (see below):

Create Notes in the iCloud folder

Now, when you create or edit a note, it will created in your iCloud account and be pushed (synced) to iCloud. You can then go to, log in, click on the Notes icon, and take up where you left off. You’ll even see that familiar legal-pad yellow paper background (see below).

You can make your iCloud account the default account for new notes by going into the iPhone’s Settings > Notes and selecting iCloud. That way, when you create new notes (for example, creating a note via Siri), they will by default be synced via iCloud.

The Notes app at, editing a note I created on the iPhone (click to enlarge):

Of course, you must first have iCloud set up on your iPhone/iPad. To set up iCloud, go to Settings > iCloud and make sure the Notes tab set to On.

iOS 6 Troubleshooting: iPhone/iPad Wi-Fi Not Connecting After Update? Turn Off Location Services

*Update* The problem involved an Apple server being down. When your iPhone connects to a Wi-Fi network, Apple checks a special site to confirm the Wi-Fi network is not behind a paywall. Despite there being numerous “solutions” like the one below, it appears that the problem simply resolves itself after a period of time. All I can say is the solution below worked instantly and permanently for me (and others), but it simply could have been a coincidence of timing.

iOS 6 Wi-fi not connecting on iPhone and iPad

After upgrading my iPad 3 to iOS 6, my iPad’s Wi-Fi connection stopped working. And a quick glance at Apple’s discussion boards reveals hundreds (maybe thousands) are having this problem as well. Here’s a closer look at the issue: my iPad would temporarily connect to my home Wi-Fi router for a few seconds, then a browser window would pop up and try to connect to, and then the connection would end. It appears there is some conflict with Location Services on the iPhone and iPad. I asked Siri how to fix it, but she was no help. But I eventually found the solution.

The Solution:

1. Go into Settings > Privacy (which is new in iOS 6) and slide Location Services to Off.

2. Connect your iPhone/iPad to the Wi-Fi network again (Settings > Wi-Fi)

3. Go back to Settings > Privacy and slide Location Services back to On

That solved the problem for me. Good luck!

iOS 6 Available for Download Today

iOS6 logo

iOS 6 is arriving today, so rev up your Internet connections. The update is compatible with iPhone 3GS and newer, iPad 2 and newer, and 4th-gen iPods and newer. The release is expected around (*update* it’s available now, although it may not show up as available for everyone right away) 1:00PM Eastern time today (according to rumors). The file size should be around 900MB (this won’t be a quickie update).

The easiest way to update is right on the iPhone/iPad itself. You’ll need to be on a WiFi network, then simply go into Settings > General > Software Update and tap Download and Install. You can also update through iTunes as well. Connect to iTunes, click on your iPhone in the left sidebar, click Summary, then click Check for Update.


iOS 6 Software Update on iPhone


Check for iOS Software Update in iTunes Check for iOS Software Update in iTunes

Not all of iOS 6’s features will be available on older devices. Engadget created this handy chart (see below) showing which features work on older devices:

Engadget List of Supported iOS 6 features

But just what are all the features of iOS 6? iPhoneHacks has a good quick-but-extensive rundown, and then the forums at MacRumors has a sweet list of “all the little things” that are new, if you like minutiae (personal dictionary in iCloud!).

Preview: iPhone 5 Cases from Case-Mate

Case-Mate Pop case for iPhone 5 with stand

Case-Mate Pop! with Stand
The Case-Mate Pop! comes with a flip-out stand built into its back, convenient for viewing while sitting at a desk or on an airplane. This year’s Pop! cases are available in a new array of “high energy” colors along with the tradition black or white. The Pop! is a two-layer protective case with a soft rubber interior and hard polycarbonate exterior. Check it out at the official Case-Mate Pop! website.
Case-Mate Tough Extreme case for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Tough Xtreme
We really liked the previous generation of the Tough (review) for its excellent protection. This year’s Tough Xtreme has been upgraded with a built-in screen protector, similar to the popular Otterbox Defender. Case-Mate says the Tough Xtreme delivers its “highest level of protection in the thinnest possible construction.” Check it out at the official Case-Mate Tough website.

CaseMate Barely There case for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Barely There
The Barely There is a Case-Mate classic. A thin, snap-on, hard plastic case with a soft-touch finish that feels comfortable holding in your hand. Available in a veritable rainbow of colors. Available soon at the official Case-Mate Barely There website.
Case-Mate Snap case for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Snap with Stand
The Snap case comes with a built-in spring-action stand that Case-Mate describes as “rapid deploy.” You’ll poke your eye out! The Snap is made from “soft material” and has a raised bezel around the front screen to offer some added protection. More info at the official Case-Mate Snap website.

Case-Mate Pop ID case for iPhone 5

CaseMate Pop! ID
Leave your wallet at home with the CaseMate Pop! ID. The Pop! ID can hold two credit cards in a specially designed pouch on the back of the case. The Pop! has a dual-layered design for solid protection that features a soft impact-resistant interior layer and a hard durable exterior layer. Available soon in several different colors from the official Case-Mate Pop! ID website.
Case-Mate Quilted case for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Madison Quilted
The stylish Case-Mate Madison Quilted case makes quite a fashion statement. The premium style means a premium price. Check out the Official Case-Mate Madison Quilted website for when more info becomes available.
Case-Mate RPET 100 Percent Recylced iPhone 5 Case

Case-Mate rPET Recycled
The Case-Mate rPET is a translucent case that is, yes, made from 100% recycled material. Feel good about yourself and still have your iPhone looking stylish, available in a wide array of translucent colors. The case looks best with a white iPhone (in my opinion). More info at the official Case-Mate rPet website.
Case-Mate Artistry Woods case for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Artistry Woods
The Case-Mate Artistry Woods offers a more natural look with its “genuine exotic hardwoods.” The cases are accented with brush aluminun accents to add durability. The case has an inner silicone rubber lining to add cushioning and shock absorption for your iPhone 5. Check it out at the official Artistry Woods website.
Case-Mate Artist Series cases for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Artist Collection
The Artist Collection from Case-Mate is a version of the Barely There case featuring special designer prints from various talented artists. The collection currently has over 80 unique designs available. You can browse through them all at the official website for the Artist Collection series.
Case-Mate Xing case for iPhone 5

Case-Mate Xing Panda
The Case-Mate Xing case features a cute panda design along with a special charm that hangs off the bottom corner. Case-Mate has 3 more animals available: a peacock, monkey, and penguin, all with their own special charms. Available from the official Case-Mate Xing website.

Preview: iPhone 5 Cases from Griffin and Otterbox


Griffin Chevron Case for iPhone 5

Griffin Chevron for iPhone 5
The Griffin Chevron is a super-slim hardshell snap-on case with some purty, purty patterns. I usually don’t recommend these kinds of cases due to lack of protection and the fact that if they aren’t lined with a soft material, they can scratch your iPhone. But if you like them purty patterns and very thin cases, thin hardshell cases are usually very affordable. Not yet available for preorder, but you can check the cases out at the official Griffin Chevron website.
Griffin Survivor for iPhone 5

Griffin Survivor
Griffin says the Survivor is the most protective case they’ve ever built. They even brag it has been tested to meet or exceed US Department of Defense Standard 810F, whatever that is. The case is two layers: a hard polycarbonate frame surrounded by shock-absorbing silicone rubber. Also comes with a manly belt clip. Available from the official Griffin Survivor site.
Griffin Reveal for iPhone 5

Griffin Reveal
The Reveal are thin clear plastic cases that let everyone know, hey, thats the iPhone 5 I’m carrying, how ya like me now, while adding a splash of color around the iPhone’s edges. I’m personally not a big fan of these cases (historically, the clear plastic tends to get scratched and smudged over time). Find more info at the official Griffin Reveal website.
Griffin Kazoo case for iPhone 5

Griffin KaZoo
The Kazoo cases are built for kids or the kid at heart. They are made from soft silicone (rubber), which also means decent shock absorption. Available in blue elephant or monkey. Your kids has an iPhone 5? Lucky kid. Available at the official Griffin KaZoo website.

Griffin Animal Parade iPhone 5 Case

Griffin Animal Parade
The Griffin Animal Parade cases are cute, extremely cute. Koala Bear? Hello. There’s also an Animal Parade app you can download to add a matching wallpaper to your iPhone. At $19.99, they ain’t too expensive either. Available at the official Griffin Animal Parade website.
Griffin Wise Eyes iPhone 5 Cases

Griffin Wise Eyes
A wise old owl once told me to always have a case around your iPhone. Griffin Wise Eyes is a thin polycarbonate (hard plastic) case covered in owls—what a hoot! The case is so thin it will barely add any weight or thickness to your thin iPhone 5, yet protects it from everyday scrapes and scratches. Available from official Griffin Wise Eyes website.
Griffin Moxy

Griffin Moxy
Those with moxy enough to wear leopard prints should check out the Griffin Moxy case series for iPhone 5, which combines style with protection. Available in several different types of patterns, including tiger stripes and snow leopard white, the Moxy is a polycarbonate case with a thin rubber lining inside to protect your iPhone’s surface from the getting scratched. A case for when things get rough in the urban jungle. Check it out at the official Griffin Moxy website.
Griffin Protector iPhone 5 Case

Griffin Protector
The Griffin Protector is why I like silicone rubber cases, at $19.99, it’s cheap but its thick silicone offers good protection, especially in the shock absorption area. Sure, silicone has its downsides—pull it out of a pocket and it can be covered with lint. Never a big deal for me. Check it out at the Griffin Protector website.
Griffin Mustachio case

Griffin Mustachio
Nothing is more beautiful than a finely styled mustache. Curl up the corners and the ladies come a running. The Griffin Mustachio Case is inspirational. Sure, it’s merely a thin hard-plastic case with pictures of mustaches on it, but so what. Found at the official Griffin Mustachio website.


Otterbox Defender for Apple iPhone 5

Otterbox Defender for iPhone 5
Otterbox is known for its best-in-class protective cases, why should the iPhone 5 cases be any different? The Otterbox Defender is its flagship protective case, and it follows the same successful three-layer formula as previous generations: a polycarbonate (hard plastic) skeleton wrapped with a thick silicone rubber protective shell along with a built-in screen protector to help prevent scratches to the iPhone’s glass screen. The Defender is available in a ton of colors this time around as well. Available for preorder from the official Otterbox Defender website.

Otterbox Reflex case for iPhone 5

Otterbox Reflex
The Reflex is a lightweight 2-piece case that is easy to slide on and off for docking purposes. One interesting feature is the air cushions in the cases’s corner help absorb impacts. Made of a combo of poylcarbonate and rubber. Available for preorder from the official website.
Otterbox Commuter case for iPhone 5

Otterbox Commuter
The Commuter is a good compromise between protection and pocketability. It has two layers of protection (hard plastic and rubber) and comes with an adhesive clear screen protector. Available in several different colors. Check it out at the official Commuter website.
Otterbox Skeleton case for iPhone 5

Otterbox Prefix
The Prefix is Otterbox’s affordable line of cases. It has a unibody design with a hard inner skeleton yet a textured outer silicone exterior for a softer feel in than hand. Interior rubber pads help protect your iPhone 5 from damage from the case itself. Official Otterbox Prefix website.