He works (worked?) at Apple as a software engineer. He’s a talented amateur photographer. He looks like Seth Rogen. His pain at the bar? Beer.

You’ve got to feel sorry for Gray Powell, the guy who, according to Gizmodo, left a prototype iPhone 4G on a barstool at Gourmet Haus Staudt in Redwood City, California, after partaking in some fine imported German beers. Gizmodo‘s tale of how they ended up with the iPhone is an interesting read (although they leave out the part where they pay big cash for it), so head on over there for the latest in this ever-expanding drama.
But looking at Powell, nice guy that he seems, we have doubts that Apple would give him a final production model to take out to bars. We’re siding with those who think that the phone will undergo some major visual tweaks before it ends up on Apple Store shelves, and Powell was given a rough working version for QA testing.
First Comment Bitches! Girls that are ~HOT~ look me up on myspace/facebook. jason springs in S.C. Love ya ladies “Kiss-Kiss”