iQueue Free (free) is a free app that lets you manage your Netflix DVD and Instant queues on the iPhone, which is something, for some bizarre reason, the official Netflix app won’t let you do. While iQueue Free won’t win any design awards, it does have a nice drag-n-drop interface that makes it a snap to manage your Netflix queues. Overall, iQueue Free has all the basics you’d want from an app to manage Netflix, and it’s the best free solution we’ve come across so far.
There aren’t many free solutions for managing your Netflix account on the iPhone. Our previous app pick for managing Netflix, PhoneFlicks, is barely better than using the website on the iPhone. But we recently came across iQueue Free, and we like it a lot, mostly for its drag-n-drop interface for rearranging your Netflix queues (both DVD and Instant). Other than that, the app is a stripped down, iPhone-friendly version of Netflix, without the ability to watch movies, of course. You’ll still need the official Netflix app for that.

The interface of iQueue Free follows a familiar template for iPhone apps: a navigation bar on the bottom with information showing on the top. The navigation bar features 4 options: DVD Queue, Instant Queue, Browse, and Search. The DVD Queue and Instant Queue options allow you to view those queues in a list form and tap on individual movies for more information. Movies can be deleted from the list by swiping left to right. A Reorder button in the top right of the screen opens a drag-n-drop interface where you can rearrange the order of your queue.

The Browse button is a way to find movies to watch. Tapping it brings up Netflix’s movie lists, including personal recommendations, Top 100, New Releases, New Watch Instantly, etc. You can add any movie to your queues by tapping a red Add button in the top right. If the movie is available in both DVD and Instant, a pop-up will let you select which queue to add it to.

The Search feature words just as you’d expect, allowing you to type in keywords to find movies and add them to your queues. The app also supports rating of movies using their five-star system. You can also rate movies within the app. Simply tap on the stars and a pop-up will ask you to rate the movies from 1-5 stars.
iQueue Free won’t win any design awards, but it gets the job done, which is giving you complete access to managing your Netflix account. Its best feature is its drag-and-drop interface, which makes rearranging your Netflix queues a snap. And it’s free, so can you really complain about? We like it enough overall to make it one of our Best of iPhone Apps.
Download iQueue Free from iTunes App Store.