1. The Pros and Cons of Buying a Prepaid iPhone
Thinking about a prepaid iPhone? Brad Spirrison of Appolicious says while the price is right (as long as you don’t mind a higher upfront cost), Cricket and Virgin’s networks are generally inferior to the majors like AT&T and Verizon, so do your homework first. In fact, in some cities like Chicago, Cricket won’t even offer a prepaid iPhone because their network runs on a different frequency (however, an iPhone on Cricket can work in Chicago via roaming, but it costs Cricket too much to allow it for too long).
2. Cricket Now Selling the iPhone 4 and 4S
Did we mention that Cricket has actually started selling the iPhone now? Forget about contracts. But as mentioned, the worry is, does their network cover your city?
3. It Costs $1.36 to Charge an iPad a Year. The iPhone, $0.38
Here’s another reason to turn off your PC and relax on the couch with your iPad. The Associated Press’s Jonathan Fahey points out that a cup of Starbucks coffee costs more than it does to run an iPad for a year. A PC costs $28.21 in energy a year. A refrigerator $65.72. The iPhone only costs $0.38. The numbers seem a bit low to me, but who am I to question the great Associated Press!
4. How to Change Your Apple ID Email Address
The New York Times’ J.D. Biersdorfer explains that Apple recommends you use an email address you actually use for your Apple ID account. Why? Not only so they can send you those annoying iTunes promo emails but also important stuff like App Store receipts. You’ll want to know if someone is buying stuff using your account.
5. Advanced iPhone Camera Exposure and Focus Tips
The iPhone 4 and 4S are serious cameras, and you can do some serious photography with them. Justin Balog of the iDownloadBlog take a look at advanced photography techniques using the Camera+ and Camera Awesome apps. Both apps provide extensive control of iPhone’s exposure and focus. You know what they say, the best camera is the one you have on you.
6. 4 RSS Reader Apps Reviewed: Reeder, Mr. Reader, Reader X, And Newsify
The Reeder app is my favorite RSS reader for iPhone and iPad, but Christine Chan of AppAdvice has at least one surprising piece of advice, she says Mr. Reader works better on the iPad (but Reeder is best on the iPhone). Will I change my favorite iPad RSS reader. Stay tuned.
7. Review: iHealth Blood Pressure Dock
Rob LeFebre over at 148Apps “reviews” the iHealth, an iPhone dock that comes with a blood pressure cuff and free app. The iHealth makes it easy for anyone to keep track of their blood pressure. You can even track multiple family members. LeFebre gives it 4.5 out of 5 stars (although he’s pretty scarce on details and doesn’t post real photos, which makes me wonder…). A $99.95 device.
8. Review of Timer: an App to Time Multiple Things At Once, and to Remember Your Previous Timers
Timer is an intriguing, if simple, app that has 12 buttons that start/stop 12 different timers, which can run down simultaneously. If you’re a chef doing a balancing act in the kitchen, this app could come in handy. The app also remembers your timers, so you don’t have to set them each time. TUAW’s Richard Gaywood does a brief review.
9. Gruber Recommends Dark Sky Weather App
John Gruber of Daring Fireball explains, in his usual succinct manner, why he can recommend Dark Sky, an app that will alert you when it’s about to start raining.
10. Pinball Arcade, a Good Free Pinball Game, Appears in the App Store
I’m a fan of iOS pinball apps, and another good free one has appeared in the App Store. Pinball Arcade comes with one free table, Tales of the Arabian Nights.