Many people dislike the default font (Maker Felt) used in the iPhone’s Notes app. Luckily, Apple recently supplied a way to select from two other fonts. There are also a few “unofficial” ways to change the fonts of the Notes app. First, here’s the official way:
How to Change the Font in Notes
1. Open the iPhone’s Settings:

2. Scroll down and tap Notes:

3. Select from the 3 default fonts: Marker Felt, Chalkboard, or Helvetica.

And here are two ways to squeeze out a few more fonts in the Notes app:
The Chinese Keyboard Method
1.Tap the iPhone’s Setting’s icon:

2. Tap General
3. Scroll down and tap Keyboard
4. Tap International Keyboards
5. Scroll down all the way to the bottom and tap Chinese (Simplified):

6. Switch the tab labeled Pinyin to On:

You’ll only have to do steps 1-6 once. Steps 8 and 9 will have to be repeated every time you want to change the font.
7. Open the Notes app.
8. Create a new note, and when the keyboard pops up, hit the little globe icon until you see the Chinese keyboard. Most of the keys will be the same as the English version, but the space bar and return button will have Chinese characters on it:

9. Type one letter, then switch back to the English keyboard.
Now, when you continuing typing, the note will be in Verdana font.
The Computer to iPhone Method (Mac Only)

This method is for Mac users only, as it involves creating notes in the Mac Mail application. With this method, you can use dozens of fonts.
1. In the Mail program on your Mac, create a new Note:

2. Change the font style to whatever desired font style you want on the iPhone and type a letter or two in that font:

3. Click Done.
4. Connect your iPhone to the computer.
5. In iTunes, select your iPhone in the left sidebar.
6. Under the Info tab, scroll down and make sure the checkbox for “Sync notes” is checked:

7. Hit Apply or Sync
8. On the iPhone, open the Notes app.
9. Find the note you just created on the Mac, open it, and start typing. You’ll see the text is in the same the font you used on the Mac.
You can also use this method to change the font color and size:

Note that the font change will only work in the note that you created in the Mac’s Mail application. If you try to copy and paste the text into a new note, it will revert back to Marker Felt. Now, create a 100 notes with a single character typed in Helvetica, and you’ll never have to use Marker Felt again!
Be sure to check out more of our iPhone Tips.
Genius. Thanks
i tried this on my mac with a font change and i increased to 24 point and it did not work. new notes in the iphone still created iin marker felt.
The font changes only apply to notes created on the Mac then synched to the iPhone. Notes created on the iPhone will always be in Market Felt.
Great tip! i found it easier to leave it on Chinese font. That way I do not have to repeat these steps each time I create a not. I just have to realize the spacebar has different characters.
Can’t thank you enough! This is genius, and worth its weight in gold. Really, thanks.
Alo worked for iPad!
I just got a new iphone for the first time today (3G S model). I thank you for your tip.
I used the first method and the only problem I had with your instructions is that when I get to Step 5, on my phone, I have to click the option for ‘Add New Keyboard’ at this point. Then on the next step, there is a specific choice for ‘Chinese – Simplified Pinyin’. I then just select that option and it’s done.
I don’t know if this has to do with the new operating system that is now on this phone, but this is the only difference to the instructions you have listed above.
Thanks again. Do you have more tips posted elsewhere? Any recommended sites for newbie iphone users?
Thank you!
I love notes and hated marker felt. This was a big one for me.
Keep up the great stuff!
The Chinese Keyboard method worked great for me. Thanks so much!!!!!!!
Is there any way to change the font back to noteworthy? I changed it accidentally and I like noteworthy better!! :(
I found another method to change the font of notes.
It’s the iCloud: https://www.icloud.com/
If you create a new note on the iCloud website, you have the CHANCE to change the color, size and fonts of your notes. But to create a note with “nonstandard” fonts, you can not write the notes directly on iCloud. You can just copy texts with fonts from other places, Such as web browser or MicroSoft word.