How To Create a Free iPhone Ringtone Using iTunes

Want to make an iPhone ringtone with your own music? Just follow the step-by-step instructions below. Make sure to start out with songs that are mp3s or are otherwise DRM-free. *Updated for iTunes 11*

How to Make an iPhone Ringtone in iTunes:

1. Open iTunes.

2. Open Preferences in the iTunes menu at the top (it may be under Edit for Windows users):

Create iPhone Ringtone Step 1

3. Select the General tab:

Create iPhone Ringtone Step 2

4. Select Import Settings:

Import Settings

5. Click on the dropdown list after Importing Using:

Click on DropDown

6. Select AAC Encoder (it may already be the default):

Set iTunes Encoder to AAC

7. Select OK to go back to the Preferences, then select OK again.

Select OK

8. Select Music in the left iTunes sidebar and find a song you want to make into a ringtone:

Select Music in iTunes

9. You’ll need to find a 40 second or less section of the song to turn into a ringtone. Note (or write down) the starting and stopping point of the section of the song. You can see the time of the song in the play window at the top of iTunes:

iTunes Song Time

10. Right click on the song, and select Get Info:

Right Click and Select Get Info

11. Select the Options tab at the top:

Options Tab

12. Enter the start and stop time of the clip in the corresponding boxes and make sure the checkboxes are checked when you are finished:

Start and Stop

13. Click OK in the bottom right.

14. In the iTunes menu at the top, click Advanced, then Create AAC Version from the drop-down menu (in iTunes 11, it’s File –> Create New Version –> Create AAC Version):

Create AAC version of song

15. You should see a second version of the song appear in iTunes, only with the shorter play time. Click to play to make sure it sounds how you’ll want the ringtone to sound.

A Second Shortened Copy of the Song is Created

16. We aren’t quite finished yet! Now we have to change the file format so that it will appear as a ringtone in iTunes.

17. Navigate to the folder where the new clip is stored on your computer (it will be in the same folder as the original version of the song). To find it in Windows, right-click the clip in iTunes, then choose Show in Explorer. For Mac, right-click and select Show In Finder.

18. Copy the song (press Control and C for Windows, Command and C for Mac), and paste the song in the same folder (Control and V or Command and V) so that a third version appears.

Third Copy of Song

19. Now, change the file extension of the third version from .m4a to .m4r.

Troubleshooting: Don’t see the file extension? Windows 7: click the Start button, Control Panel–>Appearance and Personalization–>Folder Options–>View tab–>and uncheck Hide Extensions for known file types. For Windows XP: in the Explorer window, go to Tools –> Folder Options –> View and uncheck Hide extensions for known file types. For Vista: Organize –> Folder and Search Options and uncheck Hide extension for known file types.

Change File Extension to m4r

20. Rename the file, if you want (for example, CoolRingtone.m4r). Note: If there are symbols such as underscores or hyphens in the name, you must remove them.

21. Important: In iTunes, delete the first AAC clip you made by right-clicking on the clip and selecting delete (if you don’t do this, iTunes might not accept the new ringtone):

22. Go back to the folder with the new ringtone file (.m4r file). Drag and drop the file into iTunes. Or import it by opening iTunes, select File, and select: Windows XP/Vista: Add File to Library, Mac: Add to Library.

Add Ringtone to iTunes Library

23. Now we need to sync the ringtone to your iPhone. Connect the iPhone to the computer.

Connect the iPhone to Computer

24. Click on your iPhone in the left sidebar in iTunes (Note: for iTunes 11, your iPhone can be found under Devices at the top right):

Add Photos to iTunes Step 2a

25. Click on the Tones tab, check the Sync tones checkbox, then check either All tones or Selected tones. If you choose Selected ringtones, make sure your new ringtone is also checked so it will sync:

iTunes 10 select Tones to sync

26. Now click the Apply button in the bottom right (it may also say Sync. Click Sync if it does).

Click Apply or Sync

And that’s it. You’ve done it! The ringtone is now on the iPhone. Got to Settings on your iPhone, tap Sounds, and you can change to your new ringtone. If the ringtone doesn’t show up on the iPhone, follow the Troubleshooting steps below, else go to the Clean Up section for one important last step.


Did the ringtone not appear on your iPhone? Follow these steps.

1. Click on the Summary tab for your iPhone in iTunes:

2. See if the checkbox labeled Manually manage music and video is checked. If not, check it.

3. Click on Tones in the left sidebar (older versions of iTunes may say Ringtones instead) and find the ringtone:

Click on Tones in Left Sidebar of iTunes

4. Drag and drop the ringtone onto your iPhone in the left sidebar. The iPhone should begin synching immediately, and the ringtone will appear shortly on your iPhone:

More Troubleshooting

Problem: I don’t see Tones or Ringtones in the iTunes Sidebar.

Go into Preferences–>General, and under Show make sure the Tones checkbox is checked.

Problem: You get a scary message “All existing songs, movies and TV shows on the iPhone will be removed.”

You likely received this message because you’ve never synced your iPhone with iTunes before and therefore don’t have a back-up of your iPhone data. Cancel the current sync. Unplug your iPhone and plug it back in again. Right click on your iPhone in the left sidebar and select Back Up:

How to back up iPhone to your computer

Now that iTunes has an image of your current iPhone to work from, right click on it again in the left sidebar and select Sync.

Clean Up

You made the ringtone, but there’s one clean-up task to do. We need to fix the Start/Stop time of the original song. Otherwise, the next time you play the song, it won’t play the whole thing. In iTunes, right click the original song, select Get Info –> Options and reset the Start/Stop time by deleting the numbers and leaving the fields blank. All done!


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713 Responses

  1. mathias says:

    Thanks mate. Just what I was looking for…

  2. Katy says:

    This worked great, thanks a lot!

  3. Martin Kohoutek says:

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! I really appreciate your effort!

  4. Sandy says:

    I got as far as it showing up as music on my IPhone4 but not in the settings, ringtones until I went back to iTunes, right clicked on the ringtone in the ringtone folder and chose consolidate. Re-synched and boom there it was in the settings, ringtones.

    • Shelia says:

      SANDY!!!!!!!! Thank you so much! I’ve been working on this for months!!!!!!!!! Just needed that info to right click on “consolidate!”

  5. Brad says:

    Scratch that, i just figured out that Windows 7 wasn’t displaying the file extensions and i had to manually enable that before i could create a ringer. Hope this helps some ppl.

    • Madison says:

      Okay how the heck did you enable the extension?? I can’t find it anywhere, I have Windows 7 too.

      • XL_Petite says:

        I’m not sure if this is what you meant but you might like to try this:


        2) Click the VIEW tab, and then under ADVANCED SETTINGS, un-tick the HIDE EXTENSIONS FOR KNOWN FILE TYPES, then click OK.

  6. Tarando says:

    Yes! Thank you so much for making this incredibly easy!

  7. Mike says:

    Hey thanks alot for the guide.
    An easy question requiers such a hard answer… helped allot keep it up dude

  8. Alexandria says:

    AWESOME!! Thank you so much for this!! Great detail for both mac and windows. Keep up the good work!

  9. Michelle says:

    I was able to change my clip to m4r and I successfully deleted the other one, im having trouble “adding file to itunes” I go to add to library and I see all my other music including my short file and all my reg music is there but the short clip is in a different shade and im not able to select it. ugh Im so frustrated this is not working for me!!

  10. Dana says:

    I have a Mac, but not an iPhone. Does this work for use on an Android phone?

    • Alan says:

      These instructions could work for Android if you didn’t turn the clip into an m4r, but rather an mp3 (Android doesn’t support m4r ringtones). So in Step 6, you’d select MP3 encoder instead of AAC. Then ignore the steps where you change the file types into m4r. However, please note that because Android phones are all different, getting the ringtone onto whatever type of Android phone you have could be challenging.

      I have a Mac, but not an iPhone. Does this work for use on an Android phone?

  11. Mark says:

    Got there in the end, but after much cursing and fiddling. The song I chose isn’t very loud. I noticed an option to increase the volume of the music when doing the AAC thing but it’s still not LOUD enough. Anything else I can do to increase the volume level of the song. Phone ringer volume is on full as well. Or is it just a case of the levels the song was originally recorded at?

  12. sara says:

    I get up to step 25. I dont have a tones or ringtones bar. Help

    • Alan says:

      Sara, make sure Ringtones are showing in iTunes. In iTunes, go to Preferences > General and in the “Show” section, make sure the checkbox next to Ringtones is checked.

      I get up to step 25. I dont have a tones or ringtones bar. Help

      • Lindsay says:

        Im having Sara’s problem, only the ringtones tab STILL doesn’t show up when i check the bo in Preferences :(

  13. S F says:

    Step by step instruction in plain English and clear illustrations.

  14. Jeremy says:

    Thanks for this guide, worked perfectly! It’s only my second day with my new iPhone 4 (switched from Android), so I’m still feeling a little lost. Luckily, this guide is spot on. Thanks so much…I simply do not pay for ringtones. :-)

  15. Alexis says:

    Thanks! I followed the easy instructions and now I have a customized ringtone! Love it! :)

  16. Julie says:

    3gs here….cannot copy & paste to music folder….(step 18). :(

    Ne help?

  17. Syd says:

    I’m stuck on step 19 :( my itunes does not give an option for Tools or Organize…any suggestions?

  18. David says:

    Other so called or claimed wizzos explain how to put custom ringtone onto iphone 4s but it never works. I’ve spent hours getting info, creating I don’t know how many ACC files, dragging and dropping everything but a tray of coffee and it still doesn’t work. But this site worked first time. Outstanding and if the owner of this site reads this I would like to say THANK YOU.

  19. Mat P says:

    I have done everything you have said and my iphone will not give me the option of setting it as a ringtone.
    It shows up in the music and everything i just can’t get it to appear in the list of options.

  20. Courtney says:

    I am having trouble with step 19. I am a mac user, could you please help?! thanks you :)

    • Kelly says:

      Courtney, if you double click the file in Finder and then click “Get Info” you’ll see a spot that says “Name & Extension”, type in what you want to name it, and then finish with”.m4r”. A box should come up that says something about changing the file format, click “Use .m4r” and it should work :) hope this helps!

  21. Ash says:

    Im having trouble with step 25. there just simply isnt any section called ringtones at all.

  22. Vijay says:

    awesome…it worked

  23. Sabine says:

    Thank you thank you thank you!!

  24. Olivia says:

    This might sound really dumb, but is there anyway to save the ringtone to send to a non iPhone? I don’t have one, but all my ringtones suck and I really don’t want to buy any because I’m super cheap haha.

  25. Katy says:

    I’m having trouble with step 19, where do I find the song on my computer???

    • KT says:

      Hi Katy,

      I am using Windows 7 so I’m not sure this is the same for you but when I right click on the shorter version of the song, one of the items in the drop down menu is “Show in Windows Explorer.” That’s what you want! :)

  26. Keyser Sose says:

    absolutely spot on……..perfect step by step instructions. Thank You!!!!!

  27. MMAN493 says:

    When I get to the step for creating the AAc version, the option is grayed out under Advanced. I can’t select it?

  28. Ms. Lenski says:

    Having problem with step 22…. it will not import the .m4r file into iTunes so it doesn’t show up in library. Also step 25…. tones or ringtones does NOT show up anywhere in iTunes. SO FRUSTRATED!

  29. Ms. Lenski says:

    Having problems with step 22… .m4r file will NOT import into iTunes. I have done it exactly step by step according to this tutorial multiple times! It wont import! Also, Ringtones or Tones doesn’t show up ANYWHERE on my itunes. So FRUSTRATED!

  30. Greg D says:

    So great. I wish all instructions were as accurate and this easy to follow.

  31. Mukesh says:

    What if i don’t see the iTunes menu at the top, or left side of the File menu???

    Please suggest.

  32. Steve says:

    After reading loads of forums and lists of instructions, these were clear and and accurate. Brilliant. Thanks

  33. Mariah says:

    Step 25? There is no ringtone or tone button on my itunes. :/ Nor is there one in the sidebar. Please help :)

  34. sixcies says:

    Great, great , great job mate. well done & thanks

  35. Jaxson says:

    This is really awesome! Thanks!

  36. Katy P says:

    This totally worked! Thanks!!!!!

  37. Tim says:

    OK – got it all to work – managed to get the new file to be my daughter’s ringtone (so I know it’s done right…), but I’d like it to be her text alert as well and it doesn’t showw up ?!?? Are ringtones and text alerts different files??

    • Alan says:

      Your ringtone should show up for Text Tones too. i have iOS 5 on my iPhone and I can see all my ringtones in the Text Message Sounds menu. Do you have the latest iPhone software?

      • Tim says:

        brand new 4s, all updated. Only shows in the ringtones when in the area to choose ringtines – when in the area to choose alert tones, it’s not in alert tones AND disappears from ringtones…very strange

        • Alan says:

          TIm, not sure what is going on, but try this. On the iPhone, make sure you scroll all the way up and all the way down when searching for the ringtone. Sometimes it makes it seem like you are starting at the top of a list, but there is actually another set of ringtones above the one you are looking at. It can be deceiving the way Apple has designed some of these settings to start in the middle of list or the way the separate lists when there seemingly is no need.

          • Danielle says:

            I am having the same problem, its there as a ringtone but not a text tone, how do I fix that???

  38. PamJ says:

    I cannot get past #19 to change the file extension..I have Windows 7, will it still work? can someone help me by telling me how to change the file extension.


    • KT says:

      I’m stuck here, too. If I rename the file to .m4r, then it loses it’s connection to the file in itunes. Everything up to this point has been super easy to follow, though!


    • Dawn says:

      I’m using Windows 7 and I had to go under “Organize” while in my Music Library and click “Folder and Search Options”. Under the “View” tab there’s a long list of “Advanced Settings” and I unclicked “Hide extensions for known file types” and it was able to follow the rest of the steps to get it to work! Good luck!

  39. Ali says:

    How do I navigate to the folder where my songs are if I’m on Windows? Step 17 and 18

  40. Darcy says:

    Thank you so much! It worked! I only added one small step – adding the .m4r extension to the actual library song title as well – as one commenter mentioned. Before I did that, it wouldn’t show up on my iPhone when I synced it.

  41. OMG Thank you SO much for this!!!

  42. Marissa says:

    I cannot get the ringtone to show up under ringtones! It just stays under my “music.” Help, please!

  43. paige says:

    I can’t get a “Ringtones” group name on the left column where Library, podcasts.. etc are. How do i get that??

  44. JJohnson says:

    Thank you for taking the time to include the screenshots along with the explanations. I have tried several other tutorials that didn’t make sense at all. Thanks bunches!

  45. Laura says:

    I didn’t have a tone tab to click

  46. XL_Petite says:

    Thanks much! Worked like a charm!

  47. Kaley says:

    I was psyched to see this post on pinterest, and followed the easy steps until #14. when I was trying to create an AAC Version and this was the response:
    The current encoder settings for bit rate and sample rate are not valid for this file.

    Im by no means a technically advanced person so not only do I not know what this means, I also wouldn’t know where to look to fix this..

    If anyone can help me that would be great!!!



    • Alan says:

      Try this. Under Import Using: AAC Encoder, there is a Setting: drop-down menu with 3 choices. High Quality, iTunes Plus, and Spoken Podcast. Make sure it is set to High Quality.

  48. Daisy says:

    When I hit “Sync Tones” it says that if I continue all of my songs, movies, and tv shows will be removed from my iPhone. Can anyone help me with this?

    • Anne says:

      Same happened to me.

    • Alan says:

      Sync your iPhone with iTunes before you try to add the ringtone or anything else. I’m guessing you’ve never synched with iTunes before?

      • Daisy says:

        I’ve synced it once and it has all of my music on there. I just went ahead and synced the tones then I clicked on the music tab and checked the sync music box as well. It worked fine and now I have the ringtone. Now I have a new problem. I changed the settings but when my mom calls it still has the default ring. I’ve tried restarting the iPhone and it says she has a different ringtone, it just plays a different one than I selected. I was so excited!

        • Alan says:

          You may have assigned your mother a special ringtone in the past. To fix this and assign the new ringtone to her, go into the Contacts app, select your mom, and scroll down through the information and see if there is a Ringtone field. If there is, tap it to change it. If there isn’t, tap Edit in the top right corner. Scroll down until you see Ringtone. Tap it to change it to your new ringtone.

  49. Shelia says:

    Thank you so much for this! I’ve been working on it for months and just needed Sandy’s advice to right click on CONSOLIDATE! Can’t wait for someone to call me!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Lindsey Halliday says:

    I am on a Mac and I cannot get the .m4r copy to transfer to my iTunes library. Please help!

    • Alan says:

      1. Make sure you delete the first AAC clip you made (see Step 21).
      2. Make sure the file extension is indeed .m4r and that there are no symbols in the file name, just letters.

  51. Deena says:

    I am really stuck on step 17 and 18, please help me!

  52. Tirzah says:

    Great instructions. I got as far as syncing the tones but when I click the box that says “sync tones” it warns me that if I continue it will delete all the songs on my iphone. help?

    • Alan says:

      You probably have never synced your iPhone to your computer before. Cancel the sync, unplug and replug in your iPhone. Then sync the iPhone to your computer so that it has a backup to work from (your music, data, etc). Then try syncing the ringtone to the iPhone. When syncing your iPhone, make sure that under the Music tab (click on your iPhone in the left sidebar, then click the Music tab), that you have the Sync Music checkbox checked.

  53. arubio says:

    i consolidated my files and it still on shows on music ;(

  54. Kashia says:

    I’ve followed all the steps. I changed it to m4r and I deleted the original copy. On iTunes, it says the song is a ringtone. However, when I sync or try to consolidate, the file doesn’t show up in my ringtones but in my music. I’ve redone it over and over again 5 times and it still isn’t working. Now my phone won’t even sync to my computer. It says that the sync session has failed to start.

  55. Jennifer Tzoumas says:

    When I try to change it to AAC, iTunes tells me I am “not allowed to change protected files to other formats” – huh? I bought this CD like 15 years ago when I got married, wanted to personalize my husband’s ringtone to our wedding song. Am I just not doing something right, or am I truly not permitted to move forward? If so, exactly what songs are we supposed to use for ringtones if it’s not the ones we’ve paid for via CD’s and paid for downloads ?!?!?

    Your instructions are impeccably clear, so I’m sure it’s user error on my end – I’d greatly appreciate any guidance you could offer. BTW, I have Windows 7, just upgraded to iPhone 4S after having iPhone 3 for 3 years but never did any ringtones before. 7-14-12

    • Alan says:

      Did you rip the song from a CD or buy it from iTunes? If you bought it from iTunes before 2009, it likely has copy protection on it (called DRM) and you can’t use it as a ringtone. If you find a way to remove the DRM, you can use it. There are tools to remove DRM from iTunes songs, but you’re on your own there.

  56. Raegan says:

    It won’t sync to my iPhone4. I tried consolidate and it still didn’t sync. Please help!

  57. Sunshine says:

    Alan – Ok i got through almost all of it but tones did not appear on my iTunes screen so i went to preferences and checked the tones box. It shows up on the left part of my iTunes under library but not at the top so I can not get to the step where the sync tones screen appears. Any suggestions?

    • Alan says:

      You have to click on your iPhone in the left sidebar first. A row of tabs will appear toward the top of iTunes that read Apps, Music, Movies, etc. Among them will be Tones.

  58. sea says:

    hi, i go to add the ringtone file to my itunes library but it will not add. what can i do?

    • Alan says:

      Double check Step 21. That is the most common reason.

      Without more details, the only other thing I can tell you is to start over and follow the instructions closely! Make sure you are creating an AAC clip (step 6), make sure you make a copy of the clip you created (step 18), and make sure there are no hyphens or underscores.

  59. Chris says:

    thank you!!!!!
    the step by step instructions were amazing! (as long as you read them correctly)

  60. Jolie says:

    I made the tone and when I try to drag the mp4 to my library it will not drag. I’ve tried adding file to library from the file tab as well. Help?

  61. John Lillywhite says:

    Holy Crap! I didn’t think it was going to work! It was amazing! Thanks so much!

  62. Lauren says:

    This was an excellent tutorial!
    Except I am having a problem when I sync my ringtone to my actual phone, I did selected tones, then just selected the one tone that I had made, but when I sync and check my phone it is not there, I also went ahead and tried syncing all the tones and none of them showed up either, online ones I have purchased on my phone :/
    Anyone having this problem?

    • Alan says:

      Make sure on your iPhone when you go to Settings > Sounds > Ringtone that you scroll up as well as down. The iPhone separates the tones you make from the tones you buy into two sections. It may look like you’re at the top of a section, but there is actually one on top of it.

  63. Lindsay says:

    Im an amateur and Im probably just completely missing something, but when I go to preferences and check the Tones box so that it should show up, it only shows up on the left side, not on the iPhone tabs. is this because i don’t have any other ringtones to put in the library with it or..?

  64. Rebecca says:

    Whenever I tried to sync my tones it would not let me but when i just dragged the tone from my itunes tones section over to my iphone is added it to my phone :)

  65. Misti says:

    When I sync my phone it pops up a screen saying “Some of the items inthe itunes library, including (the songs I have changed to make ringtones) were not copied to the iphone because they cannot be played on this phone.”
    Is there something I can do about this?

  66. Arlene says:

    Thanks so much for this tutorial! I just tried it and it worked great =]

  67. Jamie says:

    Ive done everything and im stuck at the very end with the sync step :( i plugged and unplugged the cable several times like the trouble shooting says but I still get the scary message. Did i do something wrong in the steps before the sync? The file name is changed but it dosent really show up as a ringtone. This is sooo frustrating HELP! :(

    • Alan says:

      You need to back up the iPhone to your computer first. Right click on your iPhone in the left sidebar of iTunes and select Back up. Once it is finished, right click on your iPhone again and select Sync. I updated to troubleshooting section of the article with these instructions and a screenshot.

  68. jena says:

    OMG! im so confused, i get everthing, and it seems simple BUT I CANT DO IT! it will not do it for me at all, i change the start and end times, and once i convert it, the conversion is one second long! PLEASE! HELP!

  69. Sarah says:

    this tutorial is awesome! Very simply to follow!! Thanks so much, I will have so many cool ringtones now :)

  70. Earllisha says:

    Thanks I am going to share this with all my iphone friends!!!!

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